Kickstart your personal evangelism!

A message from Sam Chan

Do YOU resonate with any of these scenarios...?

  • I've tried sharing Jesus with a colleague or friend BUT got REJECTED.

  • I want to share Jesus BUT it's easier to avoid it so that things don't get awkward.

  • I want to give sharing Jesus a go BUT don't know HOW when the time comes for the "rubber to hit the road".

AMPLIFICATION will help YOU get PRACTICAL & INTENTIONAL about sharing Jesus through...

  • Goal Orientated Training

    Not just a "one-off" event providing YOU with tips BUT a series of sessions with "mini-goals" along the way.

  • Achievable goals

    Start embedding personal evangelism into YOUR everyday with SMART goals.

  • A sustainable commitment

    We're all busy, so we want YOU to come out of AMPLIFICATION both engaged and excited towards Personal Evangelism!


Here's the details for our upcoming AMPLIFICATION series...

  • Session #1 - "AMPLIFY"

  • TUESDAY 13TH AUGUST - IN PERSON @ Ann Street Presbyterian Church - "COMPLETED"

  • Session #2 - "AMPLIFYING"

  • 141 Ann Street, Brisbane CBD from 7:00PM-8:30PM


  • Session #3 - "AMPLIFIED"


  • Tickets for THIS upcoming "3-session" series are $50 per person.


Got a question on AMPLIFICATION? Check out some of the more common questions asked below...

  • What does my $50 registration fee cover?

    The registration fee covers all THREE sessions, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFYING & AMPLIFIED, plus resources to support you along the way over the next few months!

  • Can I attend the first session, AMPLIFY, online?

    Unfortunately, not. Experience tells us that it's important to meet IN PERSON in particular for the first of a series of training sessions. "AMPLIFY" will certainly provide a springboard for the following online webinars and activities in the series.

  • Why QLD? Will AMPLIFICATION be coming to my state?

    Why not QLD! All going well, our intentions are to take AMPLIFCATION all across Australia. It's like a marathon, not a sprint, just like growing your evangelism! We'll post new series dates & venues, when they come to hand, on this website.

  • Unfortunately I can not make one of the planned online webinars. Should I still register? Will there be a recording available?

    Absolutely register if you're keen to grow your evangelistic focus! There will be a temporary recording made available post each online webinar so that you can continue to build momentum around your personal evangelism journey. BUT of course, the ideal is not to miss a session and the opportunity to ask a question or two!

  • Do I need to register separately for each session?

    Absolutely NOT! Your original registration will provide you with access to each of the three sessions. During the course of AMPLIFICATION you'll receive a series of communications, invites and resources.

  • Can I register a group for AMPLIFICATION?

    As we provide a series of communications and resources throughout the programme, we require a unique email for each participant of AMPLIFICATION. As such each participant must register separately.

  • Still got a question?

    Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]