Kickstart your personal evangelism!

A message from Sam Chan

Do YOU resonate with any of these scenarios...?

  • I want to give sharing Jesus a go BUT don't know HOW when the time comes for the "rubber to hit the road".

  • I've tried sharing Jesus with a colleague or friend BUT got REJECTED.

  • I want to share Jesus BUT it's easier to avoid it, so that things don't get awkward.

AMPLIFICATION will help YOU get PRACTICAL & INTENTIONAL about sharing Jesus through...

  • Goal Orientated Training

    Not just a "one-off" event providing YOU with tips BUT a series of sessions with "mini-goals" along the way.

  • Achievable goals

    Start embedding personal evangelism into YOUR everyday DNA with SMART goals.

  • A sustainable commitment

    We're all busy, so we want YOU to come out of AMPLIFICATION both engaged and excited about Personal Evangelism!


Over three sessions, we'll work together, combining a simple framework from Sam Chan's "How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being THAT Guy)" with some practical steps "in between" to help your friends, family or work colleagues get that one step closer to hearing the Good News of the Gospel PLUS help you to grow your confidence in personal evangelism!

What some participants from 2024 are saying...

  • Real stories have spurred me on!

    Hearing stories of how people are using the tools Sam shares to reach out more intentionally to enquirers over a prolonged period has been a real encouragement!

  • The biggest thing is accountability!

    The way the course had a bit of time between sessions with a quiz after each one which included ensuring you had someone praying for and partnering with you as you reached out to your Gospel friend was useful. I think the whole course was great!

  • Very practical!

    It gave me both motivation and knowledge to give it a go!

GET READY Western Australia...

It has been some time since Sam has made the journey across the Nullarbor! We can't wait to kick off AMPLIFIFCATION in Perth. Here's the details...

  • Session #1 - "AMPLIFY"

  • MONDAY MAY 5th - IN PERSON @ Subi Church

  • 260 Bagot Road Subiaco, 7-8:30PM

  • Session #2 - "AMPLIFYING"


  • Session #3 - "AMPLIFIED"


  • Tickets for THIS upcoming "3-session" series are $50 per person.


Got a question on AMPLIFICATION? Check out some of the more common questions asked below...

  • What does my $50 registration fee cover?

    The registration fee covers all THREE sessions, AMPLIFY, AMPLIFYING & AMPLIFIED, plus resources to support you along the way over the next few months!

  • Can I attend the first session, AMPLIFY, online?

    Unfortunately, not. Experience tells us that it's important to meet IN PERSON in particular for the first of a series of training sessions. "AMPLIFY" will certainly provide a springboard for the following online sessions and activities in the series.

  • Will AMPLIFICATION be coming to my state?

    All going well, our intentions are to take AMPLIFCATION all across Australia... QLD last year, WA this year, who knows where next year??? It's like a marathon, not a sprint, just like growing your evangelism! We'll post new dates & venues, when they come to hand, on this website. If you belong to a church who is keen to host AMPLIFY, we'd love to hear from you (please reach out to us at

  • Unfortunately I can not make one of the planned online sessions. Should I still register? Will there be a recording available?

    Absolutely register if you're keen to grow your evangelistic focus! There will be a recording made available post each online session so that you can continue to build momentum around your personal evangelism journey. BUT of course, the ideal is not to miss a session and the opportunity to ask a question or two!

  • Do I need to register separately for each session?

    Absolutely NOT! Your original registration will provide you with access to each of the three sessions. During the course of AMPLIFICATION you'll receive a series of communications, invites and resources. Hence why we need each participant to provide their email!

  • Can I register a group for AMPLIFICATION?

    YES you can for up to 10 participants. BUT we do require a unique email for each participant as we'll be sending out a series of communications, invites and resources during the course of AMPLIFICATION. 

  • I'd love to run this programme at our church. Is this possible?

    Simple answer, "Yes!" As churches have various needs, it's best to discuss upfront how AMPLIFICATION could work for your Church. Please contact us at and we'll be in touch to chat!

  • Still got a question?

    Please feel free to contact us at